<P><FONT color=#715897 size=3><FONT color=#8c44bb>Hackerese,即黑客英语,不是新创造滴语言,而是百分百滴英语,只不过黑客门为了标新立异,在单词方面,采用了一些特殊滴拼写规则鸟。例如: <BR>1.用些数字代替一些字母。比如用数字5代替字母S,用数字3代替字母E,因此SPEED这个单词可以拼写成5P33D。 <BR>2.用些符号代替一些字母。比如用符号+代替字母t,用符号@代替a,因此star可以拼写成s+@r。 <BR>3.用些字母(组合)代替另外些字母(组合)。比如将of改写成oph,因为在英语中,ph发音与f同。 <BR>4.大写字母改为小写字母,或相反。比如将Cat改写成cAT或者cAt。 <BR>下面两段话,第一段是标准英语,第二段是Hackerese,各位慢慢品尝: <BR>Google runs on a unique combination of advanced hardware and software.The speed you experience can be attributed in part to the efficiency of our search algorithm and partly to the thousands of low cost PC's we've networked together to create a supe***st search engine. <BR><BR>9OOGLe RuN5 0N @ UnlkW3 COMbIn@Ti0n opH 4dV4nCed hArDW4Re 4Nd 50PHTw4r3. TH3 $P33D J00EXP3RlencEC4N B3 @+Tri8U+3D 1n p@RT tO +hE3phPHICienCY 0ph 0UR 5e4rCH 4LG0rItHM 4ND P4RTLy+o tHE thoU5anD5 of LoW C05t Pc'5 W3'vE neTWork3D+09eTH3R To CrE4tE @ $Upe***$+ $e4rCh 3N9in3. <BR><BR><BR>哦哦哦……打滴好辛苦鸟……真是自找麻烦鸟!!!</FONT> <BR><BR>不过很好玩!!!</FONT></P> <P>沙发。。。</P><P>1UKy!</P> 虾米,么人有兴趣玩?