A wishful way
<p>http://rm.hiyue.com:1943/20040804/805333/新cd/0794/10.rm</p><p><font color="#0000ff">I've been dreaming all these days. <br/>I've been aching all these days <br/>to try to find a way to stop. <br/>I've been waiting all these days. <br/>I've been standing all these days <br/>to find it hard to get it through. <br/><br/>All I want is a good chance <br/>for we can live underground. <br/>All I need is a shark knife <br/>to cut the tails you are afraid to show <br/>All I hear is your endless speech <br/>to stuff my ears again and again. <br/>All I dream is a wonderful place <br/>for I can build myself a world. <br/><br/>Dream in a wishful way <br/>Dream in a wishful way <br/></font><font color="#0000ff"></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">Are u dream now?</font></p> 不知道沙发否 ? <p></p>[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-29 13:56:57编辑过]
我怎么不卡 刚才是EC的原因 <p>不卡啊</p> 不卡的 我编辑 在第一页蹲者真幸福 苍天有眼啊,让我在优生之年,得以观得如此精彩绝伦的帖子!