Cisco 642-583(killtest提供)
VUE/Prometric 考试号: 642-583考题: Security Solutions for Systems EngineersSecuritySpecialist 642-583考试题库由我们专业IT认证讲师及产品专家精心打造,包括了当前最新的全真642-583考试试题,全部附有正确答案。所有购买我们“642-583题库”的客户,都将获得一年免费更新的售后服务,确保客户能一次性通过考试。 1. The LWAPP protocol supports which type of native encryption?A. DESB. 3DESC. RC5D. IDEAE. ECCF. AESAnswer: F 2. Which Cisco software agent uses content scanning to identify sensitive content and controls the transfer of sensitive content off the local endpoint over removable storage, locally or network-attached hardware, or network applications?A. Cisco Trust Agent 2.0B. Cisco NAC Appliance Agent 4.1.3C. Cisco NAC Appliance Web Agent 1.0D. Cisco Security Agent 6.0E. Cisco IronPortAgent 3.0Answer: D 3. Cisco Security MARS and Cisco Security Manager can work together to perform which two functions?(Choose two.)A. centralized attacks mitigation commands managementB. centralized syslog storage and managementC. firewall events-to-Cisco Security MARS events correlationsD. IPS events-to-Cisco Security MARS events correlationsE. false-positive tuningF. incident-vector analysisAnswer: CD 4. Which is used to authenticate remote IPsec VPN users?A. PFSB. XAUTHC. mode configurationD. single sign-on (SSO)E. Diffie-Hellman (DH)F. pre-shared keyAnswer: B 5. Which statement regarding the hybrid user authentication model for remote-access IPsec VPNs is correct?A. VPN servers authenticate by using pre-shared keys, and users authenticate by using usernames and passwords.B. VPN servers authenticate by using digital certificates, and users authenticate by using usernames and passwords.C. VPN servers authenticate by using digital certificates, and users authenticate by using pre-shared keys.D. VPN servers and users authenticate by using digital certificates.E. VPN servers and users authenticate by using pre-shared keys.Answer: B 642-583题库根据考试厂商的动态变化而更新,在厂家每次对642-583考题做出修改或变题后,我们会在第一时间更新Security Specialist题库。确保考题的覆盖率始终都在96%以上。642-583:Security Solutions for Systems Engineers.免费PDF版本Demo下载