VUE/Prometric 考试号: 000-544 考题: DB2 9.7 Advanced DBA for LUW DB2 000-544考试题库由我们专业IT认证讲师及产品专家精心打造,包括了当前最新的全真000-544考试试题,全部附有正确答案。 所有购买我们“000-544题库”的客户,都将获得一年免费更新的售后服务,确保客户能一次性通过考试。 1. A DBA needs to create a federated database and configure access to join data from three Oracle instances and one DB2 database. Which objects are needed to establish the specified connections? A. 1 Oracle server , 1 DB2 server , 3 Oracle wrappers , and nicknames for each database B. 1 Oracle server , 1 DB2 server , 1 Oracle wrapper , 1 DB2 wrapper , and nicknames for each database C. 3 Oracle servers , 1 DB2 server , 3 Oracle wrappers , 1 DB2 wrapper , and nicknames for each database D. 3 Oracle servers , 1 DB2 server , 1 Oracle wrapper , 1 DB2 wrapper , and nicknames for each database Answer: D 2. How can you change an existing non-partitioned index for a partitioned table to a partitioned index? A. Use the ALTER INDEX command. B. Use the DROP INDEX and CREATE INDEX commands. C. Use the REORG INDEX command. D. Use the ALTER INDEX and REORG INDEX commands. Answer: B 3. Database DB1 is defined on partitions 1 through 4, with the system catalog defined on partition 2. This database is configured with LOGRETAIN=YES and TRACKMOD=YES. On Sunday evening, a full online database backup completes successfully on all partitions. On Monday afternoon, a new table space is created in a database partition group defined on partitions 3 and 4. On Monday evening a backup is executed as follows : BACKUP DATABASE db1 ONLINE INCREMENTAL What are the results of this operation? A. The backup completes successfully on the catalog partion only. B. The backup completes successfully on database partitions 1 and 2, but fails on database partitions 3 and 4. C. The backup completes successfully on database partitions 3 and 4, but fails on database partitions 1 and 2. D. The backup completes successfully on all database partitions. Answer: B 4. Which command produced the result shown below? Tracking Memory on: 2010/02/18 at 21:18:19 Memory for database: SAMPLE bph (2) utilh pckcacheh catcacheh bph (1) bph (S32K) bph (S16K) 4.2M 64.0K 256.0K 64.0K 288.0M 704.0K 448.0K bph (S8K) bph (S4K) shsorth lockh dbh other 320.0K 256.0K 64.0K 10.0M 4.7M 128.0K A. db2mtrk -i B. db2mtrk -d C. db2mtrk -p D. db2mtrk -a Answer: B 5. Considering you have an OLTP workload consisting of similar queries that are repeatedly generated and differ only in their predicate values, what can be done to reduce compilation overhead? A. UPDATE DB CFG USING STMT_CONC LITERALS B. UPDATE DB CFG USING SQL_CONC LITERALS C. UPDATE DB CFG USING SQL_CONC YES D. UPDATE DB CFG USING STMT_CONC OFF Answer: A 000-544题库根据考试厂商的动态变化而更新,在厂家每次对000-544考题做出修改或变题后,我们会在第一时间更新DB2题库。确保考题的覆盖率始终都在96%以上。000-544B2 9.7 Advanced DBA for LUW. 免费PDF版本Demo下载 |