漏洞描述 Apache Log4j2 是一个基于 Java 的日志记录工具。该工具重写了 Log4j 框架,并且引入了大量丰富的特性。该日志框架被大量用于业务系统开发,用来记录日志信息。 在大多数情况下,开发者可能会将用户输入导致的错误信息写入日志中。攻击者利用此特性可通过该漏洞构造特殊的数据请求包,最终触发远程代码执行。由于该漏洞影响范围极广,建议广大用户及时排查相关漏洞,经过白帽汇安全研究院分析确认,目前市面有多款流行的系统都受影响。 该漏洞危害等级:严重 影响范围Apache Log4j 2.x < 2.15.0-rc2 已知影响组件- Apache Struts2
- Apache Solr
- Apache Flink
- Apache Druid
- flume
- dubbo
- logstash
- VMware Horizon
- VMware vCenter Server
- VMware HCX
- VMware NSX-T Data Center
- VMware Unified Access Gateway
- VMware WorkspaceOne Access
- VMware Identity Manager`
- VMware vRealize Operations
- VMware vRealize Operations Cloud Proxy
- VMware vRealize Log Insight
- VMware vRealize Automation
- VMware vRealize Lifecycle Manager
- VMware Telco Cloud Automation
- VMware Site Recovery Manager
- VMware Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance
- VMware Carbon Black EDR Server
- VMware Tanzu GemFire
- VMware Tanzu Greenplum
- VMware Tanzu Operations Manager
- VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs
- VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition
- VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront Nozzle
- Healthwatch for Tanzu Application Service
- Spring Cloud Services for VMware Tanzu
- Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu
- Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes
- API Portal for VMware Tanzu
- Single Sign-On for VMware Tanzu Application Service
- App Metrics
- VMware vCenter Cloud Gateway
- VMware Tanzu SQL with MySQL for VMs
- VMware vRealize Orchestrator
- VMware Cloud Foundation
- VMware Workspace ONE Access Connector
- VMware Horizon DaaS
- VMware Horizon Cloud Connector$ b m+ l+ U1 v( i) y
受影响开源组件项目 仓库地址 版本 ; W0 m3 K; D- l
elasticsearch(org.elasticsearch)https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch8.0.0-alpha2 等(共 100 个)
/ P+ v4 I2 B, y" A# r2 K: B& ]2 `spring-webflux(org.springframework)https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework5.2.6.RELEASE 等(共 40 个); D5 I1 x% Q- z: k+ C9 k+ b* u
druid(com.alibaba)https://github.com/alibaba/druid1.2.8 等(共 68 个)
: X5 O6 y9 Q% _: E9 qhystrix-rx-netty-metrics-stream(com.netflix.hystrix)https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix1.5.4 等(共 2 个)5 L9 U$ u1 \: J6 ~
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-sentinel(com.alibaba.cloud)https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba2021.1 等(共 14 个)4 P% ^. g, |2 K8 @+ b
spring-boot-starter-ahas-sentinel-client(com.alibaba.csp)https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel1.3.2 等(共 17 个)3 [ ~3 o, n6 d9 q" M
redisson(org.redisson)https://github.com/redisson/redisson2.2.24 等(共 3 个)6 z2 \2 n- ~9 D, o, {
HikariCP(com.zaxxer)https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP5.0.0 等(共 27 个)1 ?+ }! A) f% m B) A
zipkin-collector-service(io.zipkin)https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin1.40.2 等(共 27 个) p) l) i* k$ o L+ j7 }
mybatis-plus(com.baomidou)https://github.com/baomidou/mybatis-plus3.4.3.4 等(共 41 个)
+ r+ K$ d$ _" b7 @# K [5 N+ Dzuul-sample(com.netflix.zuul)https://github.com/Netflix/zuul2.3.0 等(共 10 个)
( \' M5 h1 V5 f) {watson-data-api-client(com.ibm.watson.data)https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator0.1 等(共 1 个)
: z5 J% \2 d# g0 u0 Hspring-boot-admin-sample-consul(de.codecentric)https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin2.5.4 等(共 40 个)
1 z& V& @$ Q9 Kjedis(redis.clients)https://github.com/redis/jedisjedis-3.6.2 等(共 36 个): k* }" O6 Y- W8 c4 A/ ]& n
grpc-benchmarks(io.grpc)https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java1.9.1 等(共 65 个)
" E$ X: O4 @9 q" |. w! u% hktor-client-json-tests(io.ktor)https://github.com/ktorio/ktor1.6.7 等(共 32 个)" E! f4 ]: \4 l" ~( e3 P7 V8 H
gitbucket_2.13(io.github.gitbucket)https://github.com/gitbucket/gitbucket4.32.0 等(共 27 个)
$ B8 {/ y3 Y, _$ i" D1 y) u/ ^2 Mfinagle-zipkin_2.12(com.twitter)https://github.com/twitter/finagle7.1.0 等(共 56 个)
& |' h' b; d' p6 @& d; m& A7 Sresilience4j-vertx(io.github.resilience4j)https://github.com/resilience4j/resilience4j0.9.0 等(共 9 个)6 E0 V. ` V. h4 U. H' J5 x
elasticsearch-sql(org.nlpcn)https://github.com/NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql6.8.13.0 等(共 9 个)
- i; `0 t! Z% X$ N) h+ H( V* cexposed-spring-boot-starter(org.jetbrains.exposed)https://github.com/JetBrains/Exposed0.36.2 等(共 11 个)' j4 n3 x, z5 t4 F1 P( s
blade-sql2o(com.bladejava)https://github.com/lets-blade/blade1.2.9 等(共 1 个)! E0 B, q$ {2 e+ }4 C, Q6 _
netty-socketio(com.corundumstudio.socketio)https://github.com/mrniko/netty-socketio1.7.19 等(共 8 个)
, R2 ~4 W5 `, O1 p3 @$ I8 Ospringfox-swagger2(io.springfox)https://github.com/springfox/springfox2.10.5 等(共 6 个)! j$ }( R8 H/ K/ `$ b7 |2 e: M
main_2.12(org.scala-sbt)https://github.com/sbt/sbt1.6.0-RC1 等(共 88 个)
8 x2 z" J' K& u) {lettuce-core(io.lettuce)https://github.com/lettuce-io/lettuce-core6.1.5.RELEASE 等(共 42 个)
) }' F0 ] @) g0 k& B6 y* u! krepository-azure(org.opensearch.plugin)https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch1.2.0 等(共 3 个)
- d8 L( A# K( f8 v3 Zreactor-test(io.projectreactor)https://github.com/reactor/reactor-core3.3.4.RELEASE 等(共 3 个)! x8 ?0 @5 A) u8 d& u( {1 G4 ~+ o
corda-webserver-impl(net.corda)https://github.com/corda/cordacorda-3.0 等(共 32 个)
) a% e/ J* M$ z; V$ Zconductor-redis-persistence(com.netflix.conductor)https://github.com/Netflix/conductor3.3.6 等(共 100 个)
( Q, d$ }( O" r P2 h6 ]armeria(com.linecorp.armeria)https://github.com/line/armeria0.26.1.Final 等(共 2 个)5 ~; m9 `) G t* [. \
breeze-parent_2.13(org.scalanlp)https://github.com/scalanlp/breeze2.0.1-RC1 等(共 5 个)
' m7 i6 F0 g$ T. M5 W* Omicrometer-core(io.micrometer)https://github.com/micrometer-metrics/micrometer1.8.1 等(共 98 个)
+ i! u- _. C0 K( z$ Zalink_connector_jdbc_sqlite_flink-1.9_2.11(com.alibaba.alink)https://github.com/alibaba/Alink1.5.1 等(共 3 个)
$ U' a2 B+ u7 W+ K3 b- rinitializr-actuator(io.spring.initializr)https://github.com/spring-io/initializr0.9.0 等(共 6 个)
) I8 H1 |1 z; R7 Z+ m& ntelegrambots-spring-boot-starter(org.telegram)https://github.com/rubenlagus/TelegramBots4.9.1 等(共 17 个)
K+ y# j" a3 }; z+ y# Ospring-data-elasticsearch(org.springframework.data)https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch4.3.0 等(共 86 个)
! s, x; A$ B3 K! P; Ifeast-common(dev.feast)https://github.com/feast-dev/feast0.9.2 等(共 26 个)8 u$ b' Y, t2 R" ^( z2 G
javamelody-core(net.bull.javamelody)https://github.com/javamelody/javamelody1.88.0 等(共 13 个)
! \! D) C8 X, ~+ p6 M- Janalytics-zoo-bigdl_0.13.0-spark_3.0.0(com.intel.analytics.zoo)https://github.com/intel-analytics/analytics-zoo0.11.0-RC1 等(共 4 个)/ H- `( w9 ?1 D
scio-tensorflow_2.13(com.spotify)https://github.com/spotify/scio0.9.6 等(共 97 个)% n7 | v) V R
grpc-client-spring-boot-autoconfigure(net.devh)https://github.com/yidongnan/grpc-spring-boot-starter2.9.0.RELEASE 等(共 16 个)- M) a8 R6 K |2 ~& J8 F% r" K6 A- n
inject-server_2.12(com.twitter)https://github.com/twitter/finatra21.9.0 等(共 56 个)5 Y+ A, a& _/ u! r/ N% |
client-java-examples(io.kubernetes)https://github.com/kubernetes-client/java8.0.2 等(共 1 个): G- b7 N9 P0 m& x0 e, |
reactivesocket-tck-drivers(io.reactivesocket)https://github.com/rsocket/rsocket-java0.6.0 等(共 1 个)! T! ?6 V, j' p; S) ?* U% ~1 N. d* O
jest-droid(io.searchbox)https://github.com/searchbox-io/Jest6.3.1 等(共 8 个): q; R0 ^# z7 K% I6 C6 g9 i
graphql-dgs-example-java-webflux(com.netflix.graphql.dgs)https://github.com/Netflix/dgs-framework4.9.7 等(共 36 个)
1 @$ y. [9 Y: \+ ]2 d# Z5 Q+ _0 squill-jdbc-monix_2.11(io.getquill)https://github.com/getquill/quill3.9.0 等(共 62 个)
" V! ?6 t8 D; Gdoobie-quill_2.12(org.tpolecat)https://github.com/tpolecat/doobie1.0.0-RC1 等(共 61 个)0 p" ~1 X4 f( I) q
http4k(org.http4k)https://github.com/http4k/http4k4.3.4.1 等(共 3 个)/ ]/ o' _/ h' C3 Z8 H" R3 m6 |
elasticsearch-hadoop(org.elasticsearch)https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop8.0.0-beta1 等(共 100 个)5 _$ H. z |' `2 d7 t& V6 ]( n
sbt-shading(io.get-coursier)https://github.com/coursier/coursier1.0.0-RC8 等(共 1 个). s+ R$ b4 e0 L
spark-cassandra-connector-unshaded_2.10(com.datastax.spark)https://github.com/datastax/spark-cassandra-connector2.0.9 等(共 54 个)( [; k; m4 O& z6 a9 M! N* c
webdrivermanager(io.github.bonigarcia)https://github.com/bonigarcia/webdrivermanager4.0.0 等(共 15 个)
+ \# ~ `* S; vcommon-auth-v3(com.tencent.bk.devops.ci.common)https://github.com/Tencent/bk-ci1.2.0-rc.7-RELEASE 等(共 3 个)2 H% c2 z# ]& A5 f/ w% L4 o
reactor-netty(io.projectreactor.netty)https://github.com/reactor/reactor-netty1.0.9 等(共 75 个)
" G) I* _7 o: Hevcache-client-sample(com.netflix.evcache)https://github.com/Netflix/EVCache5.18.9 等(共 63 个); R/ v8 c+ G: W% i/ j
xtdb-test(com.xtdb)https://github.com/xtdb/xtdb1.20.0 等(共 9 个)
" s. a- h# l% v/ j0 T% Ftransport-netty4(com.strapdata.elasticsearch.plugin)https://github.com/strapdata/elassandra6.2.3.31 等(共 14 个)* W9 m! c$ ]% C9 o4 _
sbt-metals(org.scalameta)https://github.com/scalameta/metals0.9.9 等(共 17 个). F& j T6 `6 K! S. _, U% c
elastic4s-embedded_2.12(com.sksamuel.elastic4s)https://github.com/sksamuel/elastic4s6.7.8 等(共 100 个)4 p3 J( X U' r1 M
genie-agent(com.netflix.genie)https://github.com/Netflix/genie4.0.4 等(共 100 个)5 I" q) u, e9 T# o6 q" L
spring-kafka(org.springframework.kafka)https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka2.7.9 等(共 79 个)$ J% k5 f1 V/ X! m( C5 I$ k
db-async-common_2.13(com.dripower)https://github.com/mauricio/postgresql-async0.3.109 等(共 19 个)6 B7 r8 `& {3 b/ V
selenide(com.codeborne)https://github.com/selenide/selenide5.25.0-selenium-4.0.0-rc-2 等(共 18 个)4 a3 a; ?' L+ C2 _( K
cloudfoundry-identity-server(org.cloudfoundry.identity)https://github.com/cloudfoundry/uaa4.30.0 等(共 1 个)5 a% t) O0 O+ o& u4 ?* \
servo-atlas(com.netflix.servo)https://github.com/Netflix/servo0.13.2 等(共 20 个)
# }1 N) V5 f! M$ a/ ~rxnetty-spectator-tcp(io.reactivex)https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxNetty0.5.3-rc.4 等(共 12 个)
9 Y! N0 A2 W) A# g! j ]2 K: b# O0 \mleap-tensorflow_2.10(ml.combust.mleap)https://github.com/combust/mleap0.9.6 等(共 25 个). d P: C/ x' R0 U' k- q$ _
spark-testing-base_2.12(com.holdenkarau)https://github.com/holdenk/spark-testing-base2.4.4_1.1.1 等(共 100 个)& c3 ^ p# r3 O8 Z
graphql-kotlin-spring-client(com.expediagroup)https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin5.0.0-alpha.0 等(共 20 个)
' Q) k" f( v* Ygraphql-spring-boot-test-autoconfigure(com.graphql-java-kickstart)https://github.com/graphql-java-kickstart/graphql-spring-boot8.1.1 等(共 33 个)% {8 l% m6 W5 l
discord4j-rest(com.discord4j)https://github.com/Discord4J/Discord4J3.2.1 等(共 15 个)# g# J0 O$ e5 g. \
twitter-server-logback-classic_2.13(com.twitter)https://github.com/twitter/twitter-server21.9.0 等(共 54 个)
) u' t$ }& S' C; s+ C# k& G- Csynthea(org.mitre.synthea)https://github.com/synthetichealth/synthea2.7.0 等(共 2 个)! J* y P6 V4 x, F* ~+ x# n
spring-integration-redis(org.springframework.integration)https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration5.5.6 等(共 30 个)
) h: D7 _% r* O3 kcyclops-reactor-integration(com.oath.cyclops)https://github.com/aol/cyclops10.4.0 等(共 1 个)
' O1 s& s% P1 m7 Aakka-stream-alpakka-geode_2.12(com.lightbend.akka)https://github.com/akka/alpakka1.0-M1 等(共 13 个). e4 ~" a# W& K: j& y% P# q& |
mantis-client(io.mantisrx)https://github.com/Netflix/mantis1.3.9 等(共 83 个)! V- L& G! _9 c2 s$ ?
mybatis-generator-plugin(com.itfsw)https://github.com/itfsw/mybatis-generator-plugin1.2.9 等(共 31 个)
/ `4 L# B) z6 j5 g0 A% y) [ktorm-support-sqlserver(org.ktorm)https://github.com/kotlin-orm/ktorm3.3.0 等(共 11 个)7 l6 y# s( H4 J& z2 t
gatk(org.broadinstitute)https://github.com/broadinstitute/gatk4.beta.2 等(共 39 个)
^6 _( W: R0 i; m) X# o& hazure-messaging-servicebus(com.azure)https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java7.5.1 等(共 100 个)
2 u0 n5 T k' P" f" [+ t: o, ymica-metrics(net.dreamlu)https://github.com/lets-mica/mica2.5.7 等(共 7 个)
% b7 n3 D. Y& y8 rshiro-redis(org.crazycake)https://github.com/alexxiyang/shiro-redis3.3.1 等(共 2 个)1 o4 ?$ E! S* [9 b1 T W
enumeratum-play_2.12(com.beachape)https://github.com/lloydmeta/enumeratum1.5.16 等(共 2 个)
. ]4 X; Y# Z3 mjdonframework(org.jdon)https://github.com/banq/jdonframework6.6.8 等(共 1 个)
- d/ q5 T7 y8 s: U$ y9 a+ V S: t' ?weid-java-sdk(com.webank)https://github.com/WeBankBlockchain/WeIdentity1.8.1 等(共 3 个)
, a, y& r- r5 |$ H9 p2 hlog-protocol(io.shulie.pradar)https://github.com/shulieTech/Takin2.0.3 等(共 3 个): R# v' r5 u/ b1 A6 s2 E" Z
micro-boot(com.oath.microservices)https://github.com/aol/micro-server1.2.6 等(共 38 个)" e/ R' K$ f) e
sparkling-water-package_2.11(ai.h2o)https://github.com/h2oai/sparkling-water2.4.10 等(共 36 个)! V$ ~! f6 Z$ x& e) ]% W
scalatest_2.13(au.com.dius.pact.provider)https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-jvm4.2.4 等(共 5 个)
- ]$ @! e% W. e: f% ?' F4 Rmssql-jdbc(com.microsoft.sqlserver)https://github.com/microsoft/mssql-jdbc8.3.0.jre11-preview 等(共 100 个)
4 o& u+ Q, m! lelide-spring-boot-starter(com.yahoo.elide)https://github.com/yahoo/elide6.0.3 等(共 45 个)
1 A2 b/ W3 L& s0 e, Okafka-connect-elastic5(com.datamountaineer)https://github.com/lensesio/stream-reactor1.2.0 等(共 5 个)
6 O" q1 c. @5 E2 V9 Lkvision-server-spring-boot-jvm(io.kvision)https://github.com/rjaros/kvision5.4.3 等(共 9 个); I. t- { ]3 S8 \; U$ z- ]) L
r2dbc-postgresql(org.postgresql)https://github.com/pgjdbc/r2dbc-postgresql0.9.0.RC1 等(共 8 个)9 O6 U4 a. I3 ]9 ^+ k
play-slick-evolutions_2.13(com.typesafe.play)https://github.com/playframework/play-slick5.0.0-RC3 等(共 29 个)) A6 }" E' U: Q; g% ]' M% @
sbt-bloop-core(ch.epfl.scala)https://github.com/scalacenter/bloop1.4.8-43-c2d941d9 等(共 29 个)! Y# _6 | b4 t: [, T
jcseg-elasticsearch(org.lionsoul)https://github.com/lionsoul2014/jcseg2.6.2 等(共 7 个)更多受影响组件查询,请点击以下链接查询:https://log4j2.huoxian.cn/ 漏洞排查代码排查:查看 pom.xml 是否引入 org.apache.logging.log4j、org.apache.logging.log4j2 Linux: sudo find / -name "*log4j-*.jar"Windows: *log4j*.jar攻击排查日志排查: 攻击者在利用前通常采用dnslog方式进行扫描、探测,对于常见利用方式可通过应用系统报错日志中的 "javax.naming.CommunicationException" "javax.naming.NamingException: problem generating object using object factory" "Error looking up JNDI resource"关键字进行排查。 流量排查: 攻击者的数据包中可能存在:“${jndi:rmi”、“${jndi:ldap”字样,可根据此类关键字进行排查。 漏洞复现Vulfocus 靶场环境目前 Vulfocus 已经集成 Log4j2 环境,可通过以下链接启动环境测试: http://vulfocus.fofa.so/#/dashboard?image_id=3b8f15eb-7bd9-49b2-a69e-541f89c4216c 也可通过 docker pull vulfocus/log4j2-rce-2021-12-09:latest 拉取本地环境运行,本地启动命令:docker run -d -P vulfocus/log4j2-rce-2021-12-09:latest 修复建议1、禁止使用 log4j 服务器外连,升级 idk 11.0.1 8u191 7u201 6u211 或更高版本。 2、升级至 log4j-2.15.0-rc2: 下载地址:https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/releases/tag/log4j-2.15.0-rc2 3、紧急缓解措施: (1) 修改 jvm 参数 -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true (2) 修改配置 log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=True (3) 将系统环境变量 FORMAT_MESSAGES_PATTERN_DISABLE_LOOKUPS 设置 为 true 参考[1] https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/releases/tag/log4j-2.15.0-rc1 [2] [LOG4J2-3201] Limit the protocols jNDI can use and restrict LDAP. - ASF JIRA (apache.org) [3] ASF Git Repos - logging-log4j2.git/blob - log4j-core/src/test/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiRestrictedLookupTest.java [4] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wC7mrK1Y4DYz9_yW4fLzbw [5] https://help.aliyun.com/noticelist/articleid/1060971232.html [6] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/C4zeXHKHDqPeRuLytO7Fzw
5 Y) g) s! Z& Bvia https://nosec.org/home/detail/4917.html * e) ]' S) h$ y0 u3 ~4 {) u, u